2010年1月6日 星期三


云何殺生?〈攝分〉於此說為事、想、欲樂、煩惱、究竟五相。然將中三攝入意樂,更加加行攝為四相,謂事、意樂、加行、究竟,易於解釋,意趣無違。 其中殺生事者,謂具命有情。此復若是殺者自殺,有加行罪,無究竟罪。《瑜伽師地論》於此意趣,說他有情。 意樂分三:想有四種,謂如於有情事作有情想及非情想,於非有情作非情想及有情想,初及第三是不錯想,二四錯誤。 此中等起若有差別,譬如念云:唯殺天授,若起加行誤殺祠授,無根本罪,故於此中須無錯想。若其等起於總事轉,念加行時,任有誰來悉當殺害,是則不須無錯誤想。如是道理,於餘九中,如其所應,皆當了知。 煩惱者,謂三毒隨一。等起者,謂樂殺害。 加行中能加行者,謂若自作或教他作,二中誰作,等無差別。加行體者,謂用器杖,或用諸毒,或用明咒,隨以一種起加行等。 究竟者,謂即由其加行因緣,彼爾時死,或餘時死。此復如《俱舍》云:「前等死無本,已生餘身故。」此中亦爾。

2009年12月6日 星期日

真正要解決自己的問題,必須幫助大家解決問題,佛就是到處幫人家的忙,結果妙的是,人家的問題不一定解決,但自己的問題一定解決,佛陀就是最典型的例子。 佛陀要度一切人成佛,度了半天,大多數人還在世間,但要度人的這個人 ∣佛,自己卻先成了佛。佛的例子,不是給我們一個最大的鼓勵嗎?
在家人應該藉著現有的機會,去改善自己的因緣。我們為什麼不要關心小孩?為什麼不要孝順父母?當然要!但是用什麼方式去關心、去孝順?才是重要的問題。假定世界上每一個媽媽,不但關心、而且正確的關心孩子,每一個子女,都用正確的方向回饋父母,那麼,天下沒過幾年就太平了。佛法真正的中心也就是這個。 我們在生活中實踐所學時,必須把握住一個原則,即所謂的成就是在自己的內心感受上面,不在外界看得見的成果上面。當我們真的能夠把內心當中的認知,從跟隨無名系統的習性,漸漸以佛法的正知見取代,讓它不斷地增長,才是我們真正的成就。增上生的特點也就在此。 佛法的中心是智慧,但必需透過實踐去認識。學了佛法以後,不要在理論上說空話,而要在實踐上努力。目前我們迷信科學,堅持眼見為真,卻無能力發現自己的偏執。這就好比一喻:有人在大海中捕魚,因下網處無魚,結果下結論說大海中無魚。在家人應該藉著現有的機會,去改善自己的因緣。我們為什麼不要關心小孩?為什麼不要孝順父母?當然要!但是用什麼方式去關心、去孝順?才是重要的問題。假定世界上每一個媽媽,不但關心、而且正確的關心孩子,每一個子女,都用正確的方向回饋父母,那麼,天下沒過幾年就太平了。佛法真正的中心也就是這個。
我們說要「護持佛法」,其實在整個過程當中就是「受用佛法」,看成護持,是護持你自己,佛法最珍貴、最了不起的地方,就是「寓自利於利他」。 雖然我們會遇見一些困難,但是如果能把它看成是成功的因素,是成就的最重要關鍵,那情況就不太一樣了。以我個人為例,我並不是有無比的勇氣,也不比楚霸王強多少倍,而是真實看清了這一點。 凡夫,開口通常沒好話;品德越好,好話越多。而佛,不言則已,一開口沒有一句是戲論。在做的過程中,眼前有時會出現一些相對的好效果,但這個好效果對我們而言應該是一種鼓勵,不要被它迷失。然而世間就看不清這點,所以我們稱這個世間叫「顛倒」。
儒家基本思想|仁,主要的就是推己及人,我不要的「壞」事情不可以推給別人;我希求的「好」事情,希望能澤及別人。 不管學佛法,或者學儒家聖人的心法,都是這樣|我現在做這件事情,不是做給人家看,是做給我自己看。所以四書上說「戒慎恐懼」,人家看不到的地方要「戒慎恐懼」,也就是你的起心動念。
我們正式學佛前,要先建立一個概念,大家覺得好的事情不見得是真的好,大家覺得不好的事情不見得是真的不好。如此,當我們走上菩提道,遇到別人的反對、譏笑、障礙時,我們才不會動搖。得到正確認識後,秉持正念去做,千真萬確有效;有效之後,其他相應情況都來了,真正達到不被煩惱所困的狀態,那就是「法」了。故修行難是難在得不到正確認識,以及得到了又不肯做,心裡先打退堂鼓。 我們如果不跟聖賢學習,就得與一般世俗人學習。當學生對老師的恭敬心大為減少時,學習效果自然也隨之大為降低。
惟有人類懂得用正確的方法教育下一代,這是人類最珍貴的地方。 我們不是沒有聰明才智,可惜我們用錯了,聰明才智變成世智聰辯,然後被自己的罪過遮蓋,想很巧妙的方法逃避過去,讓自己成為漏網之魚,結果反而害了自己。聰明才智用對了地方,會發現自己的錯誤,錯了馬上發露懺悔,能如此做,「錯誤」本身也是懺悔業障,這是十大願王中的一個主要功德。

2009年11月25日 星期三



當我聽到師父講起剛開始講"菩提道次第廣論"時的心酸歷程那麼辛苦,又看到師父為眾生掉下眼淚,我也慚愧的淚流滿面。師父一心一意要把最好的東西給弟子,一次又一次不斷地講說廣論,常常講到沒人只能講給自己聽,但師父仍不離不棄,那願眾生成佛的心念力是多麼偉大!而我就是那頑劣無知的第子常常辜負師父的用心,為了不讓師父為我掉下眼淚,我要向師父說:「師父!我願像您一樣。」為了憶念師恩思惟廣論P34《十法經》云:「於長夜中,馳騁生死尋覓我者,於長夜中為愚癡覆而重睡眠,醒覺我者,沉溺有海,拔濟我者,我入惡道示善道者,繫縛有獄解釋我者,我於長夜,病所逼惱為作醫王,我被貪等猛火燒燃,為作云雨而為息滅,應如是想。」憶念師恩於長夜中內涵在-常用課誦本P50觀想文:從無始生死以來為無明所覆,長夜沈淪生死苦海之中,身心逼惱,痛苦無量,為一皈依只有上師三寶…去 思惟師父的功德,師父不忍聖教衰,不忍眾生苦,建立圓滿和合僧團來宏揚教法,為讓在家人不會像一壺燒不開的水一般,建立法人事業,淨智、文教、慈心、妙慧童子園、青少年班、大專班、教師營、校長營、企業營、長青班、從幼兒、至老人、生至老死、今生至無限生命、無量动以來、不是都在為著利益一切有情眾生嗎?還有在涅槃前為僧俗二眾找了了一位接班上師來為大眾攝持教授五部大論宏揚正法,師父的悲、智、力、功德圓滿。 菩薩如明月,眾生如水面,水若澄清,水不必求月,月亦不必應水,水清月現,自然之理!若水中沙土混濁,水雖求月降,而月亦映水面,然月影終不能現,是水之咎,非月之過也。所以說「菩薩清涼月,常遊畢竟空,眾生心垢淨,菩提影現中」。明乎此理,一切疑團,自然打破,豁然大悟。只要水清,而月常現;眾生心垢若除,菩薩時時在前,說甚麼感應皆是多餘之事。---- 為了不讓師父為我掉下眼淚,我要向師父說:「師父!我願像您一樣。成為您!」來利益一切有情眾生直至成就無上菩提 。 南06善04自強教室陳清杉 合十




好朋友只能在同一階層中產生, 而窮人和富人,百姓與達官,草根與明星,





















他們那一輩子受的磨礪太多了, 善待他們就是善待我們的良心。










2009年8月23日 星期日


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藉此,她最要感謝她亦師亦友的上線Ron及 Luna Pang Reid, 她的保薦人 Lisa Tsao 、隊友Tonka和Susan以及香港員工的支援!另外, 她要特別感激 John Anderson 研製出能夠改變生命的革命性產品;培訓大師 David Wood 的個人成長培訓以及 Jim 和 Kathy Coover 的支持。

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IsaNight 卓越精英之夜
2009年8月24日 (星期一)



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2008年1月2日 星期三

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This guide will tell you everything about blog from its history to the growth of business blogging now and its future trend. Will share with you varies way how blog can generate traffic and sales to you current online or offline business. Most importantly, it will share how can you share monetize it to the new world.

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挫折是可選擇的。 真的。。。 它是。

它是令人震驚的--- 幾乎夜間 " 部落格 " 已經變得提升你的網站交通和搜尋引擎排名在網際網路上賺得額外元的 1,000s 的快速又容易方法之一-不管你是否全然有線上生意、離線生意或甚至沒有生意。

你其中的一些是 jus 關於許多熱的網際網路趨勢,第一的個人擁抱部落格過了最近幾年已經是易怒的和 trendsetters。


為來自網際網路行銷中心的元部落格是我關於部落格 2 年前買的第一本書! 優良的指引和數位影像光碟尤其當超過劇照向後地部落格是 N 字 ele 的時候 因此,當我們設計這一個指引的時候,我們有心的 2 OBJECTIVES!


首先,我們努力不顧自己地分享每個獨身者有效的方法和任何人能使用產生來自任何的部落格的現金的策略。 我們一致地研究而且測試所有這些策略和方法。最重要地, 97.4% 我們的策略是免費的,然而他們正在表演當做好的當做或甚至比許多好的被支付的策略!

你不能夠責備 ** 在這裡的沒有下流詭計**

如果你正在此時想與滿足建立你的 Google 交通的你將使用軟體藉由搶劫其他 bloggers 的 RSS 飼養而且偷創造垃圾郵件內容部落格的這一個系統,如果那是你的計劃,那麼請關你的瀏覽器窗戶而且回去浪費你的錢在仍然另外一得到之上-富有-快的 ebook。




N S 是免費的。。。


什麼打擊他們。。。 你最好滑倒過現在和現金在這一種部落格的現象上。


你將失去可能的額外一個月$10,000 來自你的部落格的收入

開始和你部落格的你的朋友每個月將接受一些檢查 ”但是....我對網際網路和電腦是一個白癡”




你不需要知道 HTML 。。。

。。。你能和你的老鼠 " 指出而且按 " 嗎? 是的。。。? 你能寫一封電子郵件給一位朋友嗎? 是的。。。? 然後你已經得到它拿是成功的 blogger 的所有的技能! 你真的想要賺得來自你的部落格的錢嗎?


From the Desk of Lan Zijun
CEO -- Smart Wealth Enterprise
Author --

Dear Friend,

The frustration is optional. Really... it is.

It's shocking--- Almost overnight "blogging" has become one of the fastest, easiest ways to boost your web site traffic and search engine rankings to earn 1,000s of EXTRA dollars on the internet- regardless of whether you have an online business, an offline business or even no business at all.

Some of you are just regular bloggers, and you may wonder just what is search engine ranking? What is traffic? I just want to earn money from my blog! This is still the right place for you!

As with many hot internet trends, the first people to embrace blogging over the last few years have been techies and trendsetters.

You see, before we created this ultimate guide to business blogging, we purchased and read every word of published literature on the subject of blogging that we could find.

Blogging for dollars from Internet Marketing Center is the first book I bought 2 years ago regarding blogging! Excellent guides and DVD especially when blogging back than is still en electronic dairy to the mass.

Below are the TOP 4 blogging guides you can find in the marketplaces. All of them provide great details about blogging business and each share with us great marketing and monetization strategies.

Of course all successful internet marketer will have great mentor, today I will not have my success without the great help of my beloved mentor Stephen Pierce. Without him, I doubt I can come out with this guide to Pay-It Forwards to others like you

All the above guides are excellent tools and materials you need for a successful business, if $6,500 is not a concern to you, I strongly encourage you to bring all of them home and digest it!

Buy all of them if you can, but...

But the problem is not everyone are willing to spend the money, not many people are willing to buy after so much bad experiences in the past. Therefore, we decided to do it for you and bought all the available blogging e-guides you can find online, and we only choose the TOP ! We will consolidates the essence of each of them and only give you them!

We also found a problem, actually is our problem too!

What we quickly discovered was that while many blogging guides already exist, two things are for certain: NONE explain the potential business uses of blogging and NONE give systematic flow charts of all the steps needed to monetize any blog. This is true whether it is a personal blog or niche discussion blog.

.. And that makes the information you are about to read here truly cutting-edge.

Many people know how to catapult sales using these FREE blogging techniques-- and FEW have implemented these strategies.

Therefore, when we design this guide, we have 2 OBJECTIVES in mind!

FREE, Yet Guaranteed Successful Marketing and Monetization Strategies!

First, we strive to selflessly share every single effective method and strategy that anyone can use to generate cash from any blog. We consistently research and test all of these strategies and methods. Most importantly, 97.4% of our strategies are FREE yet they are performing as good as or even better than many paid strategies!

You Cannot Blame Us the Same way You Blame Others Anymore!

Secondly, we want to ensure you can IMPLEMENT all of these strategies. We can't be there to monitor everyone, but we have designed worksheets, checklists, flowcharts, monitor charts and videos (First In The World), which make it so much easier for you to follow. Virtually that you need to succeed, you just need to follow simple instructions, I mean really simple!

Many ebooks will tell you about the various tactics and strategies to earn money from blog. But this information is available just about everywhere you look. You are generally paying them $47 to thank them for gathering all the information together for YOU.

This information that we have we are GIVING TO YOU FOR FREE, because you can get it for FREE everywhere. All you have to do is sign up for our newsletter to get a copy, and save your hard earned $47 dollars.

A lot of those how-to systems are nothing more than a collection of pages laden with fluff, filler, and bogus information that will only drain you of your precious time and money.

We Would Feel Ashamed If We Did That to You.

Honestly, we felt a little ASHAMED to sell an eguide to give you lots of strategies for earning money online.

What we want to do is create a system. We want to create a SYSTEM that will assist you in walking through the strategies, learning them, implement them and finally benefit from them by earning money!

Remember... these strategies are not openly revealed elsewhere and will give you FREE sources of traffic, sales for your business and extra cash to pay your bills. You can finally sack your boss!

It's easy to become overwhelmed with information...

After all, with so many options, whom do you trust? What steps do you take first?
I lost $20,000 Again!

You could WASTE THOUSANDS of dollars on Internet marketing how-to products... and countless hours of your time trying to figure out which strategies work and which don't - all by yourself, on your own.
I have spent the last 12 months brainstorming, writing everything I do and know onto paper.

I have then put this information in to a no fluff, no filler - just killer step-by-step techniques eguide that can take anyone (even you!) from zero to thousands of dollars every month!

Money From Blog Coaching Club-- is our new step-by-step roadmap that I personally use every time I create a new successful blog that will bring money in automatically for years to come.

No Kidding, I am Serious!

And I want to share it with you! There's nothing but hard hitting, proven techniques that I personally use to build my blogging empire; an empire that brings in thousands of dollars of income for me every month.

Here's just a tiny fraction of what you'll discover...

** No dirty tricks here**

If you are thinking at this point that with this system that you will be using software to create content-spamming blogs by hijacking the RSS feeds of other bloggers and stealing content to build your Google traffic, if that is your plan, then please close your browser window and go back to wasting your money on yet another get-rich-quick ebook.

No Black Hat Strategy!

No Illegal Marketing Methods!

No Time Consuming & Tiring Yet Miserable Result Tactics

No Spamming & Unethical, Shameful Dirty Tricks

We will share with you methods used by top internet marketers and bloggers that have achieved tremendous results in marketing and monetization. All methods and strategies are tested and proven with our guarantee because we have done our research and are ensuring that it will only deliver one thing: Long Term Results.

There are thousands of fantastic strategies and monetization methods currently available online; some are even FREE. However, these methods usually don't last long; the ad has expired; the offer requires large capital but deliver minimum results or IT IS JUST GARBAGE!

Want To Get More Checks & Less Bills In Your Mailbox?

We will teach you methods that do require some of your effort and time; at least 1 hour every day or 2-5 hours every week. This system will give you lifetime results to the point that you are receiving so many checks you don't even know where they all come from!

Fundamentals of blogging

History of the blog business

How to Setup A Wordpress Blog With Monetization Capability

How to create a SYSTEM that you won't procrastinate or abandon when you are half way through ever again

Generate traffic with lots of NEW VISITORS every day non-stop

Cost-free Latest Web 2.0 technique to generate tons of traffic

Duplicate our successful system to increase your earning power

Advance strategies NOT revealed by top internet marketers

How to maximize your blogging business with limited resources

How to create a campaign to drive thousands of RSS subscribers to your site in just a few days

How to get advertisers to pay you thousands of dollars just to write about them

How to get gifts and products delivered directly to your door-step by companies hoping that you will mention them in your blog

How to be an EXPERT in many areas

How to create a posting that generates thousands of comments

Able to Create a WordPress Blog Anytime

Know how to drive traffic in droves straight to your blog or website without spending a single cent in marketing

Earn Lots of Money From Your Blog

Understand the fundamentals of the blogging business

Have the capability to earn money anywhere using your blog as long as you have a laptop and internet access

Build a system that you can duplicate and build an empire

Gain control of how much money you want to earn and can earn !

SACK Your Boss, and tell him to visit your blog.

Gain Financial Freedom in 12 months with an auto pilot blogging business.

While the TOOLS are FREE...

while the TRAFFIC is FREE...

what hit them... you better slip through now & cash in on this blogging phenomenon.

You will save $97 for the next a few minutes

You will lose a potential extra $10,000 a month income from your blog

Your friends who started blogging with you will receive several checks every month

Your neighborhood blogs are receiving 1000 times more traffic than your blog

Your blogging friends have all quit their jobs as their blogs are paying better than their bosses were.

You gain an expensive lesson for losing this opportunity of earning $120,000 yearly income because you doubted the power of this eguide

You will have a hard time catching up while others who purchase today have already started using advanced techniques to monetize their current blogging business

Worst -- you lose confidence in this lucrative business and give up, never to succeed in any business.

You still depend on your Boss for your Paycheck!

Do You Want To Learn The Hard Way?

*** Even MORE astonishing ***

It takes just MINUTES per day

to get these results...

... And all the tools you need are FREE!

What I can tell you is that this is not the usual ebook about strategies to generate traffic (I am giving that to you for FREE in my Newsletter). Money From Blog is the FIRST eguide on the ENTIRE WORLD WIDE WEB, which gives you solid worksheets, systematic flow charts, simple monitor guides and details, instructional videos and we ENSURE THAT YOU WON'T Procrastinate AGAIN to Implement all of the strategies!

Killing Your Procrastination Monster, we know HOW

Yes, Only Money From Blog Has Worksheets, Flow Charts, Monitor Charts etc

Only Money From Blog Has Countless Solid Step-By-Step Hands-on Videos

... And I'll make it EASY for you with my new Money From Blog-- a complete step-by-step videos and Eguide system designed to help you explode your Internet profits and website traffic with blogging -- using our entire year's worth of test results that cost me over $8,500 to compile! Get your here.

"But....I am an idiot to internet and computer"

Okay, so the first thing you need to do is get a blog.

This part is a lot of fun...

Getting your first blog is easy...

You don't need to know HTML...
You don't need a website to get started...
You don't need to be a writer (post a paragraph about ANYTHING!)

...Can you "point and click" with your mouse? Yes...? Can you write an email to a friend? Yes...? Then you've got ALL the skills that it takes to be a successful blogger!

"But....where is your proof and testimonial"

Come on.. you have read many sales letters before, all full of hype and so-called testimonials. I am sure that you have bought some as well. And what happened? As usual, those testimonials and "proof" don't apply to you.

argHh...it never apply to us!!

Yes, I know because I have been through it too, so what about those testimonials and proof? To some extent it does give some proof that this is how far this guide might work. Of course half the time, those testimonials are not real or are just plain fake.

Therefore, in following of my weird beliefs, I am going to go against all the lessons of how to write sales letter. I strongly believe that a reliable risk free guarantee refund policy works much better than reading testimonials and proof, especially when you do not know how true it all is.

So if you really doubt me, don't get it.

It's that simple. If you are interested and want to know if it is real, test it and you have my word that if I under deliver or if you have any reasons that it does not work for you, just request a refund, 100% no questions asked.

"But....I tried many ebook and seminars before"

Yes, I did too. I just want to be straightforward and honest here. Sometimes we do get crap ebooks which cost us an arm and a leg, and sometime we do attend seminars and have no idea what the speaker is talking about.

So if that is the case I do feel for you but I urge you to not bring your past bad experiences here. If you let bad experiences influence your decision to purchase this system, you will really miss something very beneficial and quite different from your previous experiences.

However, if you are someone who always complains about this and that, and are always looking to lay the blame on others, I suggest that you to leave this page right away.

I hate to spend time with people who always lay the blame on others and are always complaining about great ebooks, saying they are junks when the truth is they don't want to do the work or take the responsibility for their own success. I hate to deal with people who always attend seminars and then complain that the speakers only know how to sell their courses and never appreciate what he or she shared an hour ago. If this is you, you will have great deal of trouble ever achieving success, yes, never , until you realize one simple thing:

For things to change, I must change first!

"Be responsible for yourself first"

If you are still reading this at this point, I am very sure you are someone who is truly looking for a solution in making money with blogging, or you are interested in a blogging business.

So the question is,

Do You Really Want To Earn Money From Your Blog?

With the help of :

You can act now and be SMART. Be one of the ?early adopters? who will monetize your blog to start a NEW INTERNET business. You can integrate it into your existing business (online OR offline) and add fresh streams of revenue.

Of course, blogging is not just for driving traffic...

We'll show you more in MONEY FROM BLOG; we'll give you tons of lucrative blogging business ideas, including:

How to start your FIRST business using blogs -- even if you don't have a product idea yet, and even if you don't know HTML!

Hot NEW Product Ideas: We'll show you how to get your blog readers to actually *help you* create a brand-new product, no kidding!

Learn how to SELL memberships! We'll show you how to "password-protect" your blog, and sell it for a premium!

How to use a blog to explode the sales of your existing products by increasing the perceived value 100% with NO additional costs!

How OFFLINE businesses can use blogs to dramatically increase customer loyalty and repeat business!

Learn how "super affiliates" are using blogs to blast even beyond a six-figure incomes!

How to successfully promote and sell an information product using your blog!

no matter what your education, background or budget

... Best of all, since blogs give you an "instant" website that you can update in just minutes, absolutely ANYONE benefit from them! Get your here.

EVEN MORE advanced strategies for increasing your traffic and sales with blogs!

Given that we spent over a year compiling test results, case studies, and research -- there's no way I could show you ALL of the blogging strategies we've uncovered, right here on this page.

But to give you some sense of the more "ADVANCED" blogging secrets you'll be able to "plug in" to your business to exponentially increase your traffic and profits with Blogging For Dollars, here are a few more hints.

More & More things You'll get...

How to convert blog readers into traffic for your OFFLINE business!

We'll show you how to use a FREE scheduler to post fresh content on your blog, even while you're sitting on a beach!

We'll show you EIGHT sources of advertising revenue for your blog! Contact any of these sources, and they'll start paying for advertising on your website immediately!

Advanced traffic strategy: Want even MORE targeted traffic? Then learn how you can easily "tag" each of your blog posts with your top keywords

Dramatically increase your sales with the "Soft Plug Formula." You will learn how to structure an offer that LOOKS like free information, but subtly sells your products -- with incredible results!

Important tips for submitting your blog "feed" to the top 3 search engines!

How to use a strategy called "social bookmarking" to promote your blog!

Discover how to automatically archive EACH of your blogs as a separate page -- so it's available FOREVER, formatted in a way that search engines LOVE!

Discover how you can track which websites have posted links back to YOUR blog posts -- automatically!

We'll show you how many people have successfully monetized their blogs using Google AdSense -- and how you can easily duplicate their success!

... plus much more!

Let's face it... Getting a simple blog is easy. Anyone -- even a computer dummy -- can do it in 5 minutes or less.

"What's not quite as easy and less obvious, is making money and driving traffic with your blog."

It took us over a year to compile the test results, case studies, strategies, and techniques that you'll find in Money From Blog Coaching Club. How long might it take YOU to figure out and find all of this information out on your own? It's hard to say. But I must warn you AGAIN ...

The clock is now running against you!!

Because while the strategies you see here will ONLY be read by a few hundred people to start with (and applied by even fewer people )...

... It won't be long before this information spreads... becomes diluted... and then you have lost this unique "first-mover" advantage to cash in.

Five years from now, I guarantee you're going to look back on this moment and think one of two things:

Either, "Wow, I'm glad I took action..."

Or "I can't believe I missed out again."

Here Is What I Am Going To Give You!!

You'll learn how to create your first WordPress blog in 30 minutes or less,
How to Work Out A (Proven Workable) Systematic Blogging Business Plan

Most Importantly Monetize Your Blog earning an income higher than what your boss is paying you NOW. Get your here.

** 26 Videos with a total of 8 hours of Hands-On Step-By-Step instructions **

** You Can Watch Them At Your Own Pace, pause and rewind them when you need to review or really understand the material.

** Repeat them as many time as possible-as often as you need or want.

No Excuses You Cannot Implement it, No Reason You Can't Understand it

Most Importantly, No Chance For You to Not Succeed this time

1 Business Planning Video

(Special Video to assist you as you kick start your new business Value @ $128)

5 Wordpress Installation and Monetization Customize Setup Process Videos

(It would cost you $250 to hire a freelancer to setup a Wordpress blog for you. Keep in mind those blogs are clean with no plugins! We include the top 14 plugins that all successful bloggers have. Value @ Priceless )

10 Solid Unrevealed Traffic Generation Hand-On Videos

(Each Video cost me $2700 to create & they are valued $47 each, Total Value @ $470)

10 Solid Monetizing Strategies Hands-On Videos

(All these strategies cost me $17,000 in research and guru interviews valued at $67 each, Total Value @ $670)

The Money From Blog, Procrastination Proof Business Plan with SPECIALLY Designed worksheets, monitor charts, flow charts, system check lists and action plans. First on the entire world wide web to date! Proven to prevent you from NOT Taking Action Again!

How Much Is The MoneyFromBlog Online Coaching Program Going To Cost Me?

I'm sure by now you might be thinking: "Jack, the MoneyFromBlog Coaching Club sounds amazing, but how much is it going to cost me?

To tell you the truth, we struggled trying to figure out the pricing on this product.

As you may have seen in the past, comparable courses that just provide you one part of what you will be receiving sell for $997. Some even sell for more than that, one popular program sells for $2,000!

However, as I'm sure you may be painfully aware, many of those programs are either incomplete or do not provide you a true system you can realistically learn and follow. So can we really compare the MFB Money From Blog Coaching Club to something like that. Can you compare a brand new Mercedes to a beaten up, used Toyota?

This is not to mention everything else we are providing to you from the RoadBlock Busters, the bonus training modules, the checklist, the demonstration videos, 2 directories and much more. Each one of these items could easily be sold for $100 or more.

Or you could look at what our clients pay us in exchange for implementing the MoneyFromBlog System for them in their business. It can run as much as $25,000 a year, $100,000 a year, or even more. Next year we will easily top the half a million mark that we are paid by just one client.

So when you realistically look at it, you are receiving at least a $2,000 course when you get the Money From Blog System today. And as you agree it would be a VERY fair exchange of value for money. remember, in a live course, you can't ask a speaker to stop and wait for you. Our system CAN, just pause the video and continue once you are satisfied with your work.

However we will NOT be charging you $2,000 for the system.

So based on that, we were thinking $297 dollars would be a fair price. But, we really are serious about getting this information into as many people's hands as possible, and we knew it would be difficult for some people to come up with that kind of money.

Then, there is always the pressure in the Internet Marketing community to have a Million Dollar Launch. We wrestled a bit with this because in order to have a shot at a Million Dollar Launch , we would need to price this product in the $1,000 range.

Then we thought: FORGET IT! We would rather make this product available to everyone than stroke our egos by having some BIG launch!

And so, we came up with what we think is a pretty fair price?

$97 dollars...
For The Entire System!

Remember, the materials are delivered immediately after your purchase and you can start watching all the videos in less than 12 minutes!

Plus, giving the MFB Coaching Club System a try is
really risk-free, because the entire program is?

So that's why I've put this together...

A 56-Day Zero-Risk Money back Guarantee!

If you take the leap of faith and claim your copy of Money From Blog today, I will mark your receipt with a "56-Day Money back Guarantee." Get your here.

So you'll have a full 56 days to watch the videos... read through the eguide... start your first blog (prove to yourself that it just takes 20 minutes!)... and catapult your website to the top of the search engines.

If, at the end of your 56 days, you are not 100% thrilled with all that you have accomplished... if your wallet isn't FATTER with all of the profits you've made from the increased traffic and search engine rankings...

...Then I invite you to return the entire package (but KEEP the bonuses) -- and I will give you a 100% refund of the entire $97.00 investment that you made.

... I'm sure you'll agree this is more than generous, given that I have invested more than a year and $79,000 into researching and compiling these strategies for you to use and profit from! Get your here.

This MoneyFromBlog Online Coaching program leaves no stone unturned. You will finally know exactly what to do and how to do it.

All the guesswork is eliminated and everything is broken down into easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions.

But, don't take our word for it.

Don't assume, don't guess

Instead of putting a course together and assuming it will work for the people using it (you know what happens when you assume...) we PROVED it works for people just like you.

And, we used their feedback to make it better.

Not just once...

but two times.

Yes, we took the time to have not one but two separate beta test groups go through the course, learn and implement it and give us feedback so that we could make it better and more usable for you.

The difference from the first MoneyFromBlog System version that the first beta test group had to do and the second version with a totally different beta test group that had to do the current version that you are receiving is dramatic.

The results people reported in the second group were compared to the first and are dramatically better; they achieved them faster as well.

I can only imagine the results you will receive by having this final, complete program.

All $970 Package with 1000% Discount @ $97.00 ONLY .

Best of all, as you can see below, this package is simple -- designed to be concise and hard-hitting so you'll waste absolutely NO TIME and be able to start applying these strategies the same day you receive them for greater traffic and sales!
But don't wait... Because if you come back and discover this page is gone, it means you'll have missed your chance and that it's too late...

Okay, let's assume for a minute that you're still a bit skeptical.

... That, with minimal effort, you CAN dramatically increase your traffic and sales with blogs.

But maybe you're worried these strategies won't apply to YOUR business. Maybe you're concerned there's a "catch" or "hidden cost" that I haven't told you about. Or maybe you're secretly worried that you're not smart enough to do this.

Look, I'd hate to see these worries hold you back from taking advantage of the kind of income opportunity that hasn't been witnessed since the early days of online shopping... email... and affiliate programs!

Don't miss another opportunity.

Think back to 10 years ago.

It's 1996, and outside of a handful of "early adopters," few have heard of a new piece of software called a "browser" that allows you to visit any "website" -- anywhere in the world. It hits and it hits BIG... Suddenly everyone you know is "surfing" the Internet.

Now, let me ask you:

If you knew back then how important the Internet would become in your everyday life, would you have taken it more seriously?

Would you have started using it sooner to generate income? Would you have taken a harder, more careful look at how email could be used to build lifetime relationships with customers?

You're probably nodding your head vigorously right now, aren't you?
Well, even if you dismissed the Internet as a passing fad... even if you thought email would never revolutionize the way we advertise -- here's your chance to catch the wave before everyone else does .

Get the unfair Competitive Advantage ... because you took action TODAY!

So I am going to ask again.....

As you can see, blogging is on the verge of breaking out as the hottest new moneymaking business tool.
Just like the Internet leveled the playing field for the little guys to compete toe-to-toe with the large corporations -- and win!

... That's where blogging is right now.
And the opportunity for you to seize this chance is in front of you. Maybe you missed out 10 years ago, but here's a NEW opportunity that you can seize... today.
To get started with blogging and CATAPULT your way to the top of the search engines to dramatically increase your traffic and income, choose one of the four ordering options below. Get your here.

Jack Lan, CEO

The Smart Wealth Enterprise CEO

P.S. If you don't claim Money From Blog today, how can you get a number one ranking in the search engines? Hiring a SEO specialist will cost you thousands of dollars & while pay-per-click campaigns are often effective, they cost money, too! Get your here.

P.P.S. Don't forget, in Money From Blog, you get my entire year's worth of test results and research that cost over $73,583.28 to compile... all for the reasonable investment of just $97.00 -- a bargain, especially when you consider how much time this will save you during this *critical* period...Get your here.

Remember: your window of opportunity is CLOSING even as you read this letter! It's critical that you move quickly to claim your first-mover advantage!Get your here.

P.P.S. With my 56-Day No-Risk Money back Guarantee, you can't lose because not only will I give you a complete refund -- I'll let you KEEP the three super bonuses valued at $201.95, absolutely FREE! Get your here.



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Singapore 640755

Contact: +65 66184464 Skype: jack.lanzijun
E-Mail: support @ moneyfromblog . com

2007年6月12日 星期二

